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Old 05-01-05, 06:20 PM   #4
in your system
Posts: 7,619
From: Adanac

hittin this brit, you aint blowing fire, you just spitting the wicks
yeh, you droppin saw my name now you're shittin bricks
psycho how much dick ya ride, workin your magic when ya hitch cocks
only reason you're ahead of the game... cause you run on u.k clocks
visions of perception? shit, that statement is leavin me perplexed
did you think this was poetry... or have you never read your text?
cmon, give it up, you're shit sees less checks than a blind banker
your dragging on the bottom man, cause your nothin but a British 'ancha (wanker)
so i thank ya for the win, cause you get more licked than lesbian nudity
this battles over in a sneeze... cause its so easy to blow away achooity

this world is a drug, and everyone's selfish

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