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Old 05-02-05, 03:12 PM   #4
Light Weight
Verbal's Avatar
Posts: 222

I feel like I'm roughing up a retard, sparring with you...
Kid, you couldn't spit heat at a Mongolian barbeque...
Trust me, your frees are ugly and your rhymes can't bust me..
Cuz the verses you spit are full of shit, like Huggies..
I doubt you own a gun, but I'm sure that you've 'packed shit'
So I'll cut out this fag's tongue and give him a new accent..
You're clumsy with weaponry, so don't talk about automatics..
Because I'll shoot up your crib like baby heroin addicts...
I'll stay silent and still merk you...and let the weapons talk for me...
Stick an 'L' in your bloody corpse and leave you with a sense of 'gLory'*

*gory + L