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Old 05-04-05, 10:36 AM   #81
Dirty Nigga
E-Style, Bitch.
Posts: 6,728

2nd generation:
people who get propps for there rhymes an not there repp

people who dont dickride an think because a ''vet'' battles they should automatically win

people who dont care about a repp an just rhyme

epople who truely are dope an rhyme whenever about whatever an not taake 3 days ta drop a verse, or only battle like once a month

so if you are not any of the above Ju, which i do not know cause i personally dont know you, then yes you are the new generation of RV....

...........A generation does not mean vets riding each other ta make them feel better about there self an make them think they are doper than what they please if people are as dope as they claim they could rhyme whereever whenever about whatever, word.

People Hate What They Can't Conquer
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