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Old 05-05-05, 05:09 PM   #1
Divine Ascension
Calm's Avatar
Posts: 310
From: Eye of The Storm


my verse in my Topical Battle that Diman no-showed to

Topic: Lost in a dream

wild dummin, lemme find a phone and dial something
Call up Quest to find Maps to stop my reckless mile running//
B4 he could tell me the smile fronting Style’s coming
I look around the booth to find I’m surrounded by vile humming //
I’m now gunning, sum how running at light speed
Passing the corner of Sleep hoping Awake will find me//
It’ll be hard cuz the sights seen are of a riots inciting
I mean often I visit the city of Dream but tonight is frightening //
Lightning flowing from clouds in bright streams
Sight beams followed by Pows! And high screams//
So I veer , past the cats a lot of you dogs fear,
To map legend with thousand dots all saying “you are here”//
But what is clear is everywhere is nowhere at the same time
So I walk like tossing clocks into garbage to waste mine//
Dodging mis-steered vans which litters a trail of beer cans
Eyes hear so many horns you’d think it was deer land//
Hit the rocks fast when I’m ducking while shots blast
Hooker transactions, only time I’m seeing one “Cop Ass”//
Stop fast, mouth grasped as seen malign causes
Clocks gasp yet mine gags at the thought of time pausing//
Now I’m launching feet across the floor’s blocks
Towards an exit sign only to find the door’s blocked//
So I force rocks and boulders out of my path
Arms up, palms out, push just gotta follow my hands//
what hollowed my plans was the brick wall w/ no door
spun 360 degrees to notice I’m surrounded by four more//
stuck with a “Ring” like the “Hobits in Mordor”
so I begin digging within like searching for core ores//
somehow I’m suddenly brought in to town
the City of Dream where I’m lost but hope to be found//

-Transcending The Heavens-
I am before before...
Before death is eternity, After death is eternity.
There is no death, only eternity.
And I be riding the wings of eternity...


3 Poems.:.3 Features.:.3 Weeks Consecutively
I'm a Bad Man
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