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Old 05-05-05, 07:22 PM   #8
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,381

nah man the mob is still goin strong, since so many ppl ratted theyve cut down on made members and cleaned out their rosters(meanin they killed almost everyone potenitally could rat). anyway so now theyre all stayin low but theyre still around big time just now fbi is havin a harder time fighting them cause now there r new age guys comin in that r new to the mob and theyre dangerous plus some of them r bringin bak the old ways, the kinda stuff where they just smile then get u shoot an hour later after u insulted them. and the flashy john gotti type arent around anymore cause that almost brought the entire new york organization down and there is a big war between the albanians and the italians but the iti's got this
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