Thread: Acuity vs Calm
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Old 05-06-05, 11:18 AM   #4
Rastafari Walk Tall
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Posts: 4,527
From: East London, (Hackney)

Birth Of A First Child

As the essence of my loins is moulded by nature into an entity
No pen has the ability to effectively describe the emotion welling within me
One night's passion has resulted in climaxed in the birth of a child
Its unreal, the physical science that has made my angel gabriel
Its unknown, underestimated, undisclosed are parternal feelings
One assumes what is right like the philsophys of David Hume is the love of a mother
That only maternal instincts have meaning, That fathers r simple vessels
Vessels that function to insure continuation of life, due to animalism and lust
The things I took for granted and dismissed as persistant, such as air and vitality
I take seriously knowing every moment on this plane is blessing on me
So I vow, never to allow myself to father this seed wid neglect and scorn
Because, the lord, has givin me infinite joy in the conception of this angelic boy
When my baby was born and I stared into its eyes, I did nothing but cry
Cried: oceans of tears that raged across landscapes and watered soil
Created fertility from a soul baron, Gave life in its passing to a new man
One who truly fears God, thinkin he may take away my lifes point, my lifes star
I have eternal undieing love, affection, compassion, adoration for the vector
That enabled light to shine in my world, that gave me a second powerful wind
Her efforts, her toil, mentally and physically is a feat that could never be forgotten
That is why I cherish her as much as the child she has bore
I never knew how, I could be changed forever by a miraculous smile
Until I witnessed the effervescent glow of the birth of my first child

"His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, King of Kings of Ethiopia and Elect of God"


Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Web Designer