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Old 05-09-05, 04:36 AM   #27
Spoken Word is Bond
Spoken Word is Bond's Avatar
Posts: 95

Wow at these people's replies. I think it's ridiculous that you are getting
so many ten out of tens and what not, and so little criticism. Cali is about
the only person i've seen who actually gave you something to build on.
Now, don't get me wrong; i'm not hating or anything like that but i
think this sort of thing can somewhat ruin potential and send you in the
wrong direction. Yes it's nice to get props and be told you are awesome,etc
however, and don't take this the wrong way but I doubt there is going
to be any perfect poems on any of these boards which is what a ten out of ten indicates. Everyone has flaws and we can all get better. I'd rather be told
i suck and get some constructive criticism anyday than be told my shit
is flawless, i mean how can someone elevate in that manner? Anyways,
tomorrow i'm going to devote some time to read through your poem and
give you a brutally honest breakdown, so you can actually have something
solid to build on.
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