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Old 05-09-05, 09:52 AM   #9
leave you rest'n pz's
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Voted For: Topical

topical-you threw some ok punches, 2nd bar was prolly your best layed out punch, opener couldve been better, closers multi's need to be more relevent to the bars punch, middle bar had a decent concept"one you couldve made more complex with lil effort"but overall you had a better verse.
mc mute-you didnt have any punches in your verse, no real creativity and it was very basic of a drop, try makin direct punches at you opponents verse, style or play off his name to make a puncxh n to make it relevent........
overall very weak battle..
mc mute-go elevate, till then dont battle
topical-battle more skilled heads.....
i'll play on ya consience, ya contents is complete nonsense
speak of biting, then you fucks flip everyone of my damn concepts
what the fuck, was you high..?
did you think i wouldn't recognize lines that i made
then you come up some bullshit tryna prove that im gay...!
fake fucks..move on...!