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Old 05-09-05, 11:52 PM   #7
New to RV
Posts: 8

Battling me? Kid everywhere u go, coast to coast u suck
Cause I easily can eat everything RB decides to post up (RB=Arby's)
Oh what? Of course it's true, ur singin while i smash kids
R&B? Yeah.. only cause this guy is a Bliged to wackness*
Now im laughin.. You just aint on my level, but still dude
How sad is it IV gets put in ears.. and it fucking kills you**
I fill you with venom.. kid for real, all you post up is shit
And I only mention RIP.. cause I just destroyed ur spit

*Mary J. Blige sings R&B
**His sig says his real rap name is Ill Verbally (IV)