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Old 05-10-05, 04:44 PM   #5
Word of prey
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Posts: 121

Originally Posted by »Ðë-ƒ-ç«
The tourney is running smoothly, good job to Flow and Socrates.

But here's where KORV Disappointments go every week.

Strictly my opinion.

This is not a Beef Thread.

I will go line by line BUT that takes too long so i change my mind.

Disappointment of the Month = Y'all Favorite Candidate CALI

It was him vs. Genecide.

In bold are the words in your verse thou shalt not ever use again..
Reasons why (read below)

Retarded= you
Aim= where you ask people to vote
Crashed Plane= what will happen if you tap one toe on the entrance to the plane.
Broken= what haven’t your fat ass broken already. (your mic, your computer)
Sink= your biggest fear when you enter water
Dope punch= something you just CAN’T do, if you were from Nutty Professor saying YES I CAN… (one more time) YES I CAN! Well, you can’t.
Herb= you and it always will be that way
Bigger than the rest= We know you fat, don’t self-glorify you goddamn idiot.

Why the fuck you talking bout street fighter's Ken in your rhymes? Good Jesus.

How does water get in basements in the first place, you idiot?! Elevation.

You thought you were going to win so you posted your horrible verse first.

And quit using Christmas time in your lines you played the same lines more than twice and both times were in the KORV tournies, you always talking bout gifts.

Try saving up money instead of buying cheeseburgers.

At least try to wait for the 40-cent specials on Wednesdays.

I’m really trying to ‘watch’ your weight for you. Thank me.

You wouldn’t know when to stop.

You got KO'd the second 'round'... what an oxymoron.

We know you got more rounds to get rid of, porky.

Ok well your verse was so bad that this may have turned into a Beef thread.

-~CALI-Flower you lost fag boy now get over it and stop crying in the threads~-
(Answer my call-out if there is any further problems.)

If you respond, then you
(a) suck which is automatic.
(b) notice how bad you suck after i critiqued this.
(c) answered my call-out you fruity fag.
(d) want your fingers to do more exercising by holding shift keys so you can yell better textually.
(e) notice your dickriders haven't spoken yet.

Chose your pick.

Thank me for doing your critique you fat bitch.

Next week, I shall present the worse battle in KORV. Good Luck to all contestants, don't slack off. The next thread could be you!

To be continued...

lol, damn.
I actually read all that.
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