Thread: Unbidden Goal
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Old 05-13-05, 06:13 PM   #1
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Posts: 8
Unbidden Goal


The future's hitting me with a left and right.
Duck down, take cover, I wanna run in fright.
Confused out of my mind, thinking with all my might.
Wish I could drop, disappear, drive out of sight.

Running from something that's completely unseen.
How can I fight this fear that's not even a being?
This uncertainty numbs my judgement.
Feel like I'm frozen, unable to make adjustments.

Inner conflict, ripping my thoughts.
Trying to get out but my feet are caught.
Gasping for air yet I'm sinking with despair.
I'm losing all hope, aint giving it enough care.

My eyes, they burn with no concern.
Envision my fall, my heartache and all.
Die alone shall be my unbidden goal.
Release my last breath, entrapment of the soul.
I don't believe in fairy tales, it's just not for me.
This is who I am, this is how I'll be.
Satan's Call
Unbidden Goal
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