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Old 05-13-05, 09:40 PM   #1
Posts: 1,485
The Demon Inside



The Demon Inside

Harmless, a fuzzy play thing in the eyes of a child,
Unaware that his precious teddy bear gone vile,
Waking up each morning, gazing upon a smile,
Tucked in tight feeling secure, not a care in his life,
Music’s in the background, quietly playing a fife,
Glittering marble eyes hypnotizing his thoughts,
There is no danger, all fears are beginning to rot,
Protected by materials, snug in his bedroom,
Not realizing that his beloved bear would bring doom,
Half asleep, as everything darkens in sight,
The image of teddy, quickly fading away from the light,
His cotton stuffed body is moving away from his gut,
His has begun slumber, as his eyes ceil shut...

Teddy sticks to the wall with his circular hands,
His eyes are albino, glaring with a demand,
Arachnid like crawling all over the darkening ceiling,
The child is bawling, creating a new feeling,
Evil stricken, terrorized by a once loved little bear,
Teddy pounces at him, raging without a care,
The child is scared, ripping off both of its arms,
Blood filled cotton is pouring out, striking mental alarms,
The stuffed evil jumps back staring upon torn parts,
You can see the blackness in its thorn heart,
Its internally bleeding, blood leaks through its chest,
Thrashing everything, wailing with distress,
Slouching against the wall, tears fall from his eyes,
Weeping uncontrollably, forever it cries,
Its head is slowly rising, bruised and battered,
Its soul is empty, its heart has been shattered...
The boy awakes from this realizing it was a dream,
Everything was completely all right as it seemed,
Woken up sweaty, wiping himself from the heat,
But freezes when he sees the blood on his sheets.
i'm bored.
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