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Old 05-13-05, 11:58 PM   #29
Joker the Maniac
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Originally Posted by Socrates
1) You were following a story, but just decided to throw "niggerheads" in for no real reason. Even IF the kid said it, and you knew it had anything to do with a racial slur, why would you add it? 9187510975915397 dollars says there are like NO black people on that site.

Since when do stories have to make sense? I wrote that shit up in roughly 10 minutes, making it up as I went along. You're just not understanding me when I'm saying that it's not meant to be serious, it's not meant to be racist, it's not meant to be anything. Just somethin' I threw together.

And, for the record, there are a good amount of black people on that site.
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