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Old 05-15-05, 12:45 PM   #1
Rastafari Walk Tall
Acuity's Avatar
Posts: 4,527
From: East London, (Hackney)
Os1ris vs Acuity


Battles up Monday - Check In by Wednesday - Drop by Friday - votes By Sunday

All Battlers most vote on 4 other battles and leave their voting links in their battle thread...Battles voted on may be from either poetry or topical battles..

Extensions mst be asked for by thursday night by pming any of the mods ( Acuity, Drama Queen & Elementality)....No extemsions will be given 4 if asked 4 on firday night..Extensions are only given till sunday night at the most.

Battler with most votes by Sunday night is the winner...

If this is a topical battle write a topical and not a poetic drop and the same is vice a versa

Every battler must nominate (not their own) one topical and poetry battle for pieces of the week, in the main forum...People with pieces of the week shall have their drops stickied and placed in the Pieces Of Inspiration subforum

No line limit


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