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Old 05-16-05, 10:01 PM   #5
l i n e .
l i n e .'s Avatar
Posts: 150
From: Barrie

The Moon's Shadow..

We're unreal to extraterrestial beings of fate and fortune,
Who paint portraits of contextual thoughts and corpses.
Putting emphasis on contrast, adding value to saturation,
Giving passion to shades like a newborns concentration..
Anticipating the future with psyche paintings from scripts
Their rituals consist of praying for a never fading analysis
A solar eclipse, leaves shadows lingering for mere minutes
(Something an artist has never been able to capture in it)
Tryin to finish, a picture with shadows to explain existence
Their brains ache as the solar eclipse begins to diminish..
They count it is a surreal event, a mirage of timeless ages
Darkness falls again, barraging a prophet's scriptless pages
Time rages on, the color of Death is chased off Earth's face
The moon loses it's shadow and returns to it's old ways.
Cold days in space, bring notions of evil spiritual intellect,
The darkside of the moon has heard of but never seen it yet.
An eventful day, darkness begins to grow in prosporous ways
In the shadow of the moon, people live their voluptious days
As star-gazers pray, evil is cast away in the moon's shadow
Insignificants breathe a sigh of in a fools pascal.
Only way out in a box.