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Old 05-19-05, 04:47 AM   #19
Logic The Goonie
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From: So. Killa Kali

^I'm not gunna speak on yalls argument because you both left holes to fill, but...
Originally Posted by schema
(to Socrates)

I dont know...

part of it comes from living in the south...because blacks are way more obnoxious here because they get away with so much more....since the south has its history of being racist nobody in the south is ever allowed to criticize anything a black person does without being called racist ...i think if i lived in a big city id probably see things differently...

i honestly never have EVER had a problem with somebody just by looking at them and seeing that they are black...

but when I see big groups of the "act an ass" black people standing in the mall not letting people through making all kinds of noise, or eating at restaurants in groups of 20 and not leaving any tip...shit like that i just really have a problem with...

its like the half that are hard working and just trying to get along with people like everyone else get such a bad name from the ones that act like they are going out of their way to be especially rude and inconsiderate for no reason...

its really not a cool situation...because I have a lot of respect for black people that just try to be cool and get along with people...but it really makes me mad that nobody is allowed to say anything to the ones that just go around making life harder for everyone...

its not like white people have meetings about how we are gonna keep the black man down...i would love to see every black person move out of every ghetto and move into a nice suburb and just live their life in peace with everyone else....i think that would be better for everyone involved...but that is never gonna happen as long as we have a culture that glorifies being poor, violent, and rude...

most of the white racists arent from shacks in west virginia...they just get so fed up with the special priveleges that blacks have which some of them abuse that they lump all black people together...which isnt cool because there are a lot of awesome black people in the world...but theres also a lot of bad apples that are spoiling the bunch...and some people have trouble telling them apart after a while...

Yeah, obviously coming from the south it's a lot different. But the main problem I have with the whole racism thing is people automatically bunching the whole group together like 99.9% of people do. I don't know if you remember me making a thread saying "Why a lot of black people piss me off" and everyone bunched my argument together acting like I hate my people and shit. I hate the way a majority of my people portray themselves and feed the stereotype's so blatantly, that's what I hate. But obviously, it's not just black people who have retarded incidents. I know plenty of punker-skater kids who would act just as bad if not WORSE than my fellow negro ( ) but look at how each is portrayed. If you turn on MTV and see Jackass with the constant shit they do to fuck with people, America turns around and sees it as comedy, but if Jackass was a show with black men, MTV would get shut the fuck down. That can't be denied. And shit, I know yall don't have big meetings to fuck with us but in all my and all my friends experiences, we're getting fucked up the ass. Saying my shit can't say it's true overall, because thats just not possible, but when 90% of my people have the same/similar experiences as me, it should tell you something. Racism is back on the rise, and I blame a LOT of it on the government, feeding us this shit constantly. White boy fights white boy. <--- they get suspended. Black boy fights white boy. <---- "OMG there is so much racial tension going on!" And then they blow up the black people getting "oppressed" so that BLACK people get mad about it and then WHITE people start looking at the black people like "OMG, WTF ARE THEY SO DUMB FOR THAT THEY THINK THIS ONLY HAPPENS TO THEM? STUPID NI**ERS!" But yo, there's nothing individuals can do about it unless we sit back and finally realize how fucking stupid it is for all this. Slavery was a LONG ass time ago. Black people are not all dumb. White people are not all smart. Then its whatever.

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!

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