Thread: ~Sundance Kid~
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Old 05-19-05, 11:22 AM   #13
Posts: 3,123
From: Sindicate City, U.S.A.

Originally Posted by One M.B.
Bitch watch ya atittude.

What are you like 11? Haven't even got any facial hair. Dont go all shit talkin about you droppin dudes and this and that cos by the looks of what you wearin you're one of those metrosexuals. Having "fashion sense" is something to be ashamed of. Metrosexuals are faggots, end of story, you are homosexual. Gotta do up ya hair all nice and wear expensive clothes to get a woman... Shits a disgrace. Im usually wearin like a $2 plain white tee and some counterfeit jeans and i probably hit more pussy than you.

You aint shit. The "beautiful ladies" you "have all kinds of wild sex with" is probably some gay little pansy ass bitches from ya school that you like... looked at. What "beautiful woman" would want to get with some little kid that looks like a female? What you dont think you're femenine?

^^^LOL!!! i've never seen you so mad omb. calm down homie........he's just defending himself.

to be honest (regardless of how many people dont believe me), my brother speaks the truth. dont hate and say that im only backing him up because he's my brother. trust me......i've seen the women that he's ran through.....and he's not playin' or exaggerating about anything. word. why would he need too??? to impress a site full of cats that he'll never meet??? c'mon now gentlemen.......lets get serious. y'all might not agree with his style or hair.......but thats what helps make him an original. i swear on my fathers ashes.......the women here in cali go crazy over the kid. call him what you want (it only makes him look bad on a web site but who fuckin' cares???......i know that he doesnt). if he was really trippin' off what y'all sure he'd have erased the pics by now.

continue to hold it down fellow battlecats...

stay up baby brother (and get active


Originally Posted by Nick Fletcher.
I don't drive an Eclipse, they're chickmobiles.

QUESTION: Is it even possible to improve upon perfection???

"I remember this one time I thought I was wrong........but I was mistaken." -Unknown

R.I.P. Jonathan "ONE MAN BAND/TERUMOTO" Nigro. Goodbye brother. God bless the dead. One love.
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