Thread: FLOOZE vs diman
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Old 05-20-05, 02:30 AM   #12
Apo Kold
Posts: 127
From: France

This was a cool battle & the topics were decent by both.

Diman, I really felt at times you used some poor vocab, only so you could keep a good rhyme scheme. Don't get me wrong, it had a nice flow & rhyme scheme & still made sense but I felt you should of re thought some of your word choices.


Family was solid, except paps was a widow...Or watever you call it.
Beyond educated, son graduated top of his class. Forever symbolic.

Paps became a jerk, 12 years past & still would not convert.
After senior year they lost touch & the son moved off to work.

It does make sense my man to use convert, but the use of the word convert normally is associated with religious conversion or mathmatical conversion, you don't really say, "would you convert your attitude".

However, this was a solid piece & I liked the multi's, good stuff.

Monkey Dust. Again, pretty good but not a very original concept. I liked the idea but so many people have done prison concepts & the good ones are awesome & pretty hard to top off. It's probably because I've read so many that I get sick of them. However, solid effort.

Overall: Maybe expand your ideas because it was obvious that the whole "going bad" angle was the most straight forward seeing as you both had a similar take on it. I'm gonna vote Diman because he had a better rhyme scheme, flow & had some use of wordplay which I thought was tight: but dude never mention J.Dupri, the dood is a fag lol.

"Flew past his degrees, like school was a thermometer & he was mercury.
Threw his bachelors in the trash & framed his masters like J. Dupri."- Diman

Top line was cool though. Nice work guys.

V: Diman