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Old 05-20-05, 10:31 PM   #5
Sean Gunner
GG Haterz
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Posts: 6,387

So It Begins
Calm and quiet while I relax on our living room chair,
My wife is in the basement's bathroom fixing her hair.
We are going to bed but I have decided not to wonder why,
She tries to fix her hair when it will only become untied.
The candle's cheery blossom smell fills my nostrils and I sit back,
I love nights like this with the rain sprinkling and I can relax.
All of a sudden I hear her scream like nails scraping on metal,
I run downstairs to see what is the matter while knocking over the kettal.
'The baby is coming!' Oh how these words changes my life forever,
To think that I was becoming a father and our family was brought together.
So we rushed down the street to the hospital and threw her inside,
She was in so much pain I couldn't comfort her, no matter how hard I tried.
The baby was born and with that I remembered our song,
No matter how far apart we become, our hearts will always be one.

Little Later in Life
Well it has been 6 years since that day and things have never been the same,
The quiet nights I used to enjoy, have now all gone away.
She cries and whines and never seems to ever be pleased,
If it isn't a glass of milk then I need to move the branches from the trees.
My wife and I are never alone because she needs constant care,
Where she goes and how she acts, these questions I barely can bare.
I yell at her when I don't want to, and I cry after I do,
If she only knew how I felt and how bad I feel, but no one thinks it is true.

The arrow on 24
Well now she is older and moved away from our humble abode,
No longer do I get to see her ride her bike down this road.
I think about the times I wasted and how she must feel about me,
How I yelled at her and ignored her I probably hurt her so badly.
So these nights of peace have come again, but what price did I pay?
For silence is my neighbor, every week, every month, every day.

The Girl Way
I loved my father but the way he treated me was wrong,
I only wanted to show him how I wrote about him in a song.
It showed my love for him but he just yelled and screamed to sleep,
I never knew words could penetrate so deep.
The song was entitled "My Father and the Balloon",
It talked about the friendship I though we had that could reach the moon.
But he broke my heart those years and now I must say goodbye,
For the balloon of love I once had, has popped, and inside me has died.

Originally Posted by Twisted Visions
50 nickle=less than 50 cent, go back to school you idiot
For Anyone Who Wants to Talk to Me

^^I think this explains my view on gangster rap perfectly.