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Old 05-22-05, 08:14 PM   #57
I'm a closet fag.
.Poetic.'s Avatar
Posts: 67
From: Colorado

[QUOTE=SO]Great point man, glad somebody at least sees what I'm talking about (even though the haters know what I'm talking about as well).

For the 20th time. I have prove. I need to talk to one of your admins. Invektive seems to forget that I'm a mod there, and I see the orginal posts after he deletes them...

Once again, what does the fake shit I watch on TV and challenging WNW have to do with this thread. Can you read my words, or is it a little hard for you. I know it boosts your ego to talk shit behind a computer screen to me, but it's only making you look more like an idiot. [B]Plus I saw some of your skills at the mic, it's funny a man with so little talks so much[/B].[/QUOTE]

Funny, I haven't posted any audio on this site...

Hey, did you see Wrestlemania...that shit was so good. Remember when people faked getting hit, and faked throwing punches...and faked being cool....and kids who thought it was all stoaked on the fakeness...I do... Remember when your dick is probably fake too cause if fell off beating it to Stone Cold Steve Austin...or was it the Big Show? I fucked....stacy keibler though, thats all I know...

For the record...

I Love Penis.
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