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Old 05-23-05, 01:16 PM   #68
in your system
Posts: 7,619
From: Adanac

Originally Posted by Cri$$tyle
It wasn't a joke it was the was born in a wheelchair. you give head in a wheel chair and.....i think it's gonna be your coffin too

Well i spelt it like that on purpose, i basically meant your wacker than's like seeing your moms in a ladies toilet..."she's tha odd one out"

Well if you knew how to read, you woulda known that you ARE your's simple. When elton john rings your doorbell, your heart sticks out of your chest like one of those looney tune characters, beating at 50 mph, beating faster than you beat your dick. You run up stairs, put on your mommas pyjamis, and her wig, plus your grandmas teeth in the glass, then you run downstairs....D'oh i forgot my sisters lip-stick! oh wait it's MY lipstick! you run back up put it on, run back down and put it on, then you open the door....shit, elton john already let himself in because your such a dick sized brain retard you left your door open! so you cry yourself into your room,'s really him!!'s elton john...then you say: "jhonny can you rape me?...because i'm such a retarded stupid 3rd grade drop out i think i deserve it"
so you get raped...the telephone down stairs pick it up, oh it's a prank call, you run upstairs, get raped again, the doorbell rings, you run down
who's that! oh it's your best friend, he just came from the toy shop, you get raped by him also, oh can i see elton john please? i left him hanging! you go up get raped by him also, your best friend comes up stairs, he gets raped by elton john also, then he cheats on you, then elton john rapes the two of you.

THATS how you are your sister...i aint tha one raping WISHED i did...your probably saying 'cri$$tyle...we love you'

hahahaha.....sorry but i don't fuck transexuals..your moms is one but nah....she couldn't be anyones cup of tea, if we dropped her in boiling water!!!

i think your such a fag you look like her..exact match...your probably her clone...that why when you was born people kept saying awww...he looks so much like the mother. is it a girl or a boy? 'it'

SHUTUP and go beat yourself to a coma you 4 ttitty mammal..who cares about you?!!!....well nothing that is living lol

stop crying and wait till i finito sonnin your pepsi squeek boyfriend bitch. and till when your sister eats my dick till she vomits the semen on you.

your done?!!!...i don't remember God knocking your half cooked ass off the don't even have any eye balls yet..the only thing you have on your head is dick balls thread is alwayes at the top because that's how tha situation is with your know

(lol..check it...i'm sonnin him so bad he wants to end the beef lmao you don't have beef with me you have beef with your reflexion)

Come on i just told you what the scientists saw on the discovery channel!

And your right about the school children bit, i guess your not blind after are the school children, and pumpkin head lmfao

All i done was missed out the C but you made a whole new language all together!!! lmfao

Well i still spelt it better than you you half brain midgetfieds e.t looking kid who just came out of a 6 year rehab

What your mom ate a spicey 10 legged Black widow rushed to the toilet then had you? is so cool and awesome! you should tell every kid in the 3rd grade about it!!!

(the spider had ingrowing legs by the way)

You don't even know what a diss is...what the fuck is quak quak?....that's something that even a duck wouldn't bring if it came to owning, what they would do is eat you, just like i'm eating you.

I can't duck a herb who can't even freepost...lmao...someone who is an 'Unfinished Project' you ARE the 'projects'...hahaha

I think...your so shit all it would take is tissue paper to wipe you off.

I think your momma had you when her ass was imitating an air conditioner...she didnt even know she had was only untill she heard this lil squeeky noise from something that looks abit like Abnormal Rat

your should be gratefull, God even bothered to finish you off, cuz i think he was fed up with creating something that couldn't quite go should have your own race....'The Rejects'

fuck owning you, why would i wanna own something that's unwanted? gimme a reason?

your momma didnt even need to make an effort to give birth to it wouldnt take an effort to kill you simple as

simple as abc
simple as your wacker than a torn underwear, that has a hole from the back

if your gonna star in a movie, call it The Clones

hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahhahahahaha

enough with talk

battle me.

this world is a drug, and everyone's selfish

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