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Old 05-24-05, 03:27 AM   #20
Spoken Word is Bond
Spoken Word is Bond's Avatar
Posts: 95

But I Do Wanna Get Into This and Paint On Buildings, but Can't You Get In Big Trouble?

And How Much This Shit Cost?

Sv's right. If you want to write you're going to run the risk
of get popped. The punishment is different for lots of places depending
on the city's policies, tolerance, and/or the activity of writers in the area.
It can range anywhere from a misdemeanor to a felony for freights and
other such mediums. I would suggest getting up in low risk areas if
you're starting out and aren't paticularlly quick at your craft. As far as cost, i would say there is little to no cost involved unless you want to get paint, markers, etc through legal means which could be pricy. However most writers just rack all the above, including me personally.
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