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Old 05-24-05, 02:54 PM   #9
Posts: 2,944
From: Bmore, Murderland

Originally Posted by schema
I dont think this is all that great really...

that blend in the middle is real obscured parts of both of them (the asian guys arm and the white guys face and arm)...if you wanted to do it that way you shouldve made them both smaller and then just blended the two backgrounds together...

I dont know if yall did your own background with brushes...even if you did though you pretty much just made like a complete mess with brushes then covered it with a color overlay...

the diabolic text is completely illegible...and the cutting on the back of that chinese guys head is terrible...

its pretty cool looking but i can tell you didnt really work very hard on it and the cocky attitude that you have about graphics bothers can always get better...and we arent on the edges of our chairs wiating for your next release so i dont really understand your attitude...

now normally i would have just told you that it looks thrown together...the reason that i went into such detail is:
a.) everyone else is sucking your dick about it and if I just said I dont like it theyd be like "dont worry about that hater its dope"...I wanted you to know exactly what looks bad about it.
b.) you are really cocky so i dont feel bad picking apart your sigs
c.) you can both do better than this the collab should have been much better than this...

i still give it about a 7/ just need to fine-tune it seems like youre getting stuck on yourself about being so good and youre not taking the time to do the little minute things that you have to do to make an awesome takes a lot of little work to make a sig perfect...its not just talent...

son...i dont really like this piece..i dont even like the colors..and the pics are pgns that somebody else cut..all we did was the background text and coloring really..heh...and the attitude is beckuz yea..people do d/r that yea i kno people thats waitin on our next drop

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