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Old 05-25-05, 01:36 PM   #1
King Solo
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CALI Battle: The AIM Convo After!!!!


i battled CALI

and then after
the convo on AIM ensued........WERD!!!

KiNgSoLo86: sup andrex
TheRealCalisHere: andrex..Wtf!?!
KiNgSoLo86: cuz ya just sumthin I wipe my ass wit
KiNgSoLo86: werd!!!
TheRealCalisHere: wow!
TheRealCalisHere: you never cease to amaze me with ya comic shit
KiNgSoLo86: nice drop son
KiNgSoLo86: I give props where they’re deserved
KiNgSoLo86: ya had sum aight punches
TheRealCalisHere: yea but nuthin compared to u
TheRealCalisHere: son, ya fuckin owned me in that battle
KiNgSoLo86: werd to that!! ya liked my shit
TheRealCalisHere: fasho, definitely the line sayin that my family are just shit
TheRealCalisHere: SO TRUE!!!
KiNgSoLo86: werd!! I appreciate ya tellin me that little piece about ya family so I cud use it on ya as a personal!!!
TheRealCalisHere: bhj jkjnhbn
KiNgSoLo86: wtf was dat ??
TheRealCalisHere: my bad breh….i knocked the keyz
TheRealCalisHere: hold on a sec son
TheRealCalisHere: god damn it jimmy…..ya made me hit the keyz….
TheRealCalisHere: i told ya when I am on the computer you are not allowed to suck my dick
KiNgSoLo86: WTF!!!!!
TheRealCalisHere: stop cryin bitch, now take ya lips off my piece and go suck sumthin else
TheRealCalisHere: I don’t care if ya need the salty goodness of my cum, go play wit the vacuum and let me handle my shit
KiNgSoLo86: son, what the fuck is goin on there ?!?!?
TheRealCalisHere: jimmy suckin my dick again, ya know how it is
KiNgSoLo86: not really, I aint into that gay shit!!
TheRealCalisHere: werd!! Ya shud try it, nuthin like screwin sum dude’s butt crack
KiNgSoLo86: wtf!!! i don’t wanna hear that shit
TheRealCalisHere: aight, cool.
TheRealCalisHere: sorry bout that
KiNgSoLo86: wateva, I just wanted to tell ya props on an aight drop
TheRealCalisHere: thnx, I appreciate dat
TheRealCalisHere: ya know I’m gonna win that battle rite tho
KiNgSoLo86: what ya mean son, I owned ya bitch ass
TheRealCalisHere: yea true dat
TheRealCalisHere: but ya amazing lyrical skillz aint no match for the almighty power of my dickriders……..MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
KiNgSoLo86: dude you are pathetic, getting herbz to vote on ya shit
TheRealCalisHere: I have no choice, how else wud I get my wins
KiNgSoLo86: I dunno, go bash some herbz
TheRealCalisHere: I cant
TheRealCalisHere: they are too good for me
KiNgSoLo86: fuckin dickriders are gay
TheRealCalisHere: so am I though, so its all good
KiNgSoLo86: you’s a bitch
KiNgSoLo86: I see ya already got jimmy in there voting for ya
TheRealCalisHere: yea, I was hopin to get away wit dat, jimmy is my little bitch, does whateva I tell him
TheRealCalisHere: but ya caught me on dat shit
KiNgSoLo86: yea I aint no retard like you
TheRealCalisHere: HEY!! Don’t knock the retarded shit, it has taken a lot of years to be this pathetic
KiNgSoLo86: its good that you are so open about it
TheRealCalisHere: why lie I say, I mean have ya seen my pictures
TheRealCalisHere: just look at them
TheRealCalisHere: I look like an albino chimpanzee with small pox
KiNgSoLo86: LMAO!!
KiNgSoLo86: that’s a personal rite there
KiNgSoLo86: I wish ya wud’ve said that before tha battle
TheRealCalisHere: werd!! Ya cud’ve used it
TheRealCalisHere: I am surprised ya didn’t own one of my pics
KiNgSoLo86: becuz links are gay
TheRealCalisHere: werd son!! That’s why I used two in our battle
KiNgSoLo86: you enjoy dissin yaself
TheRealCalisHere: yea, it seems to be the cool thing to do, everyone else does it
TheRealCalisHere: and ya know wat they say
KiNgSoLo86: no, wat ??
TheRealCalisHere: if ya can’t beat them, join them
KiNgSoLo86: aight son
KiNgSoLo86: anyway, I’m out now
TheRealCalisHere: aight pz breh….
KiNgSoLo86: cya clown
TheRealCalisHere signed off at 18:23:27.
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