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Old 05-26-05, 03:34 PM   #3
J. Luth
I see dumb people
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Posts: 15,826
From: Boston, MA

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
That.. you always gotta go to the bathroom with atleast one other girl with you
lmao I always wonder that too. lmao...

That.. You fuck the first day we meet, and actually expect a phone call
Damn straight, yo

That.. When you like someone, and know they like you, instead of just fucking them/going out with them (wichever way you roll) ya'll gotta start playing games and shit... and then get mad when the guy gets furstrated andends up fucking another girl
lmao.. I kno. Shit is mad gay, yo

That.. If you like me, but we aint going out, and I flirt with another girl ya'll act fucked round me like you pissed...................... but it's ok for you to flirt with any guy
OMG... so tru, yo. wackness

That.. You just find it nescasary to tell me your having your period, I aint wanna know that shit
lmao... yup, I kno. fuckin' keep that shit to yourself hoe

That.. When ya'll wear high skirts/low cut shirts/tight pants with a thong, and I come up and say "Damn nice legs/nice tits/nice ass", I just get a slap, like your wearing that shit cuz it makes you feel good bout yourself? HELL NAH, you wearing it cuz you want guys to be noticed, your a fucking skank, and then when they compliment what you want noticed, you bitch slap them!
LMAO... funny shit. lmao.... wow.. lol tru tho

That.. If i'm dating you, at lunch time, I GOTTA be with your friends, I gotta hang with your friends with you, but you can't come with me, so I can hang with mine
Yea, weerd... but if she friends wit some fine mamis, I ain't complainin'

That.. You can give me head.. but won't let me give any back
Wait... what?!?! lmao...

That.. Your girl friends come and slap your ass as a joke, but when were making out and I grab your ass you tell me not to..
lmao....... weerd

That.. You find it nescesary to be friends with the guys that happen to be the biggest assholes in the world, and act like assholes with you, and your just like wt/v
Yea, gay shit. Slap them hoes!!!

These aren't really questions, cuz I basically know all the answers to em, they were more statemants, but peeps can feel free to answer em' like questions anyways, I wanna see what people have to say.

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