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Old 05-29-05, 03:48 PM   #9
atti?'s Avatar
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Blah, There Arent To Many REAL Athiests...
Most Of Then Are These Kids Who Just Want To Rebel...
So They Call Themselves Athiests And Worship The Devil...
With That Action In Itself Contridicts The Title Of Athiest...
Because If You Believe In The Devil, Then Thats Your God...
He's Still A God, That Wouldnt Change Because He Contridicts A Traditional Christine God...

Im Kinda Worried That Kids May Think Im That Way Cuz Of This Thread...
Im Not In Fact A Devil Worshiper...
If I Pledged Myself To The Devil That Would Be The Same As Pledging Myself To God...
The Only Difference Is I Would Have Another Set Or Rules And Morals...
And Its Not Even That Completely Disregard God...
Its Simply That There Are Questions I Am Curious About...
And So Far The Answers I've Been Given Have Led Me To Believe In Other Things...
Someone Could Tell Me Something One Day That Just Sparks An Epiphany...
But Until The Day My Idea Are Invalidated Questions Are All I Have...

I Actually Support Reincarnation More Than Christianity...
Im White And Was Raised Christian...
So I Really Know Nothing About Religions Based Around Reincarnation...
But For Somereason That Way Of Afterlife Is Just The Most Logical...
I Think Like Budists And Muslims Believe In Reincarnation...
But I Really Know Nothing About Either Or These Religions...
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