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Old 05-30-05, 01:42 PM   #12
Light Weight
Posts: 339

Originally Posted by artÃ-stica~Mente
Which words are being mis-spelled?....................Cayse I dont see em yo.

IT's not that ya mispellin everything, it's jus that sometimes u add an s where u shouldn't or use some words outta context

I clench and tightly hold onto my teddy bear close to my dearly heart
(dearly should be dear)

Crackling sounds of woods rings through my ears, the house it’s falling apart
(This should be "Crackling sound of wood rings" or "Crackling sounds of woods ring") assuming that your talking about wood as in floorboard planks, then you'd probably wanna go with the first one.

I'm not gonna critique your whole piece, cuz I know people can get quite annoyed by that...your an amazing writer (That I wouldn't mind battling sometime) it's just that with a little more attention to detail, your drops would be flawless...hope you don't think I'm hatin, just wanna see a good writer become better......