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Old 05-31-05, 04:35 AM   #24
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Everything in this world is fine-tuned. If the constants were altered slightly (an example of constant is the gases in stars or the amount of gravity of the sun or planets) then NOTHING could exist. This may have just been a very lucky coincidence, or there could be a god. If there is a god, theres no proof its the one in hindu scriptures, or the quaraan, or the bible. It may not even be a "God" in our term of the word.

The universe is an ever expanding bubble-like thing, right? That has been proved. So whats outside the bubble? Outside the universe, time as we know it, matter, reality, all of these would cease to exist. So it could be eternal nothingness that the mind cannot comprehend, it could be another world in which we're some alien's science project. Its possible to create a universe my compressing a whole lot of matter which results in a big bang... But we dont have the technology. So this universe could just be some fools game or something.

And the fact that this universe is made of NOTHING really isnt very reassuring. You're prolly like "omg man sif this universe is made of nothing, liek, im looking at my scr33n right now and sitting 0n my chair... duh." Well thats all well and good, but that chair is made of molecules, which are made of atoms, which are made of protons, neutrons and electrons which are made of particles. You're probably thinking like particles of sand or debris or little bits of dust, but the particles that make up atoms are different.

These particles are actually nothing. They dont exist. They have never been seen, but it is known they exist, but they dont. Thats probably kind of confusing -_-. But if we take it up one level, look at protons neutrons and electrons. They are made of electricity. And they make up atoms, which make up molecules which make up everything. So in simple terms, everything is electricity. And this electricity that everything is, is made up of nothing.

So basically, nothing exists. And since nothing exists there probably isnt a "God" in the spiritual sense of the word. But there might be, and it is even more likely there is just a greater being, NOT a god. Cos this world doesnt exist, maybe its just some crazy aliens computer game or something. You never know.

[/displaying vast knowledge to clueless fools]
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