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Old 06-02-05, 12:46 AM   #41
Posts: 145

Originally Posted by sabotage
LIke I said's by faith that you believe in God.......... even says that in the Bible...

Yeah, if God's miracles were given so direct to everyone, then there would be no point to have faith, but He isn't, because faith is the only way to get into heaven. I'm sure some people feel like God has abandoned them, but it's because they decided not to have any more faith. There are thousands of incidents that man can never explain, but if you look carefully, and very carefully, you can figure it out.

As well as that, there will be a lot of people who despise, spread great teachings of opposition, and people who seem to claim they know the true way, but that's because it's supposed to happen, as it is described in the good book. So that's why faith has to be important, or else you might fall for one of these.

So, some of you may feel like there's no point and truth in God, because all that is said, are just fulfilling what is already written.

Originally Posted by sabotage
church doesnt make u a christian.....

Wordness to that too. Just because you go in a garage doesn't mean you're a car. Everybody sins and are filled with hypocrisy, but the only one who we can look to is God.

Since there's a God, there's a Devil as well. You can doubt and not believe, which is called a sort of temptation. Tempation from the Devil, which will only fulfill prophecy. These temptations come in different forms, and can be very convincing causing so many people to fall for them, at the same time thinking it's correct or alright, not realizing the truth.

As said in the book of Revalations, there will be a time excatly like this, when people are full with corruption. Maybe we're not there yet, but in my opinion, I think it would wise to prepare, and a time like this can mean anytime.

I don't know about you guys, but incase this boat tips over, I'd prefer to be wearing a life jacket...
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