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Old 06-02-05, 04:11 PM   #44
Posts: 187
From: Michigan

Personally, I thought the whole God / Devil thing was to get people to act the way they should, way back, in the year 300, do you think people would behave and be nice if they knew they would just rot in the ground after they die? I think since the law enforcement and government back then would probably be easier to get away with (I mean if you went out int he middle of the night to kill someone in the year 300, who would know?) It's like they wouldn't go out to kill because they knew they would go to hell and burn.

But now that we have a good government, people will behave whether there is a god or not, because they will get caught easily with witnesses all over, cameras and such, and they would be thrown in jail or executed.

I'll believe God when theres proof. The catch is the word 'Believe'
VoTe Or DiE~
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