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Old 06-03-05, 03:41 AM   #47
I have a lot to learn...
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From: Life.

Originally Posted by Yung_Dragon
Well, to answer your last question first, out of those choices, I would be my own kind. A group is made up of people, but it doesn't not make the person. (I thought that looked cool)

Okay, so you say just because of that because of some examples of science, that you think God isn't real? I'm lost, in what way does that show there is no God? Have you taken some time to reconsider that science is the form in which God used to create and forge just about everything you see, hear, feel, etc? If maybe I got this wrong, you can feel free to tell me what you really mean.

About other religions, I'm sure there are other ones that could be based on faith as well. Yes, we might share the same principles, but faith and prophecy of what's coming is what makes me believe mine. This is a "what if" type of question, and until you give me some examples, I won't really reconsider or further back up my thinking.

The time of Armageddon is a time of relief for true Christians, the ones who actually follow the word, not the ones who filled their life with contradictions and hypocrisy. I'm sure God knows the future, and the earth isn't going to last all that long(we have pollution, falling resources, population problems), so God has to bring an end. We as people cannot really fix this problem, and God didn't come to fix, but to save from this problem. He's not going to kill Christians, but to save them. The seals are there for showing who is to be saved from judgement or not.
There will be more to see and know when the time comes, because I really won't know how it's excatly supposed to be like.

Christianity is plagued, yes, by people who do bad things. Hypocrites, pharisees. The bible even says somewhere that there'd be people who carried God's name, and use it for the wrong purpose(Pharisees, Crusades, wrong things Christians do). So, don't confuse God with man. We are made in His image, but not like Him. The reason why God is so strict, "non-human," and makes sure what we do what is correct, is so that we can be saved from Hell.

You're own kind? So thats basically protestant. A christian who ignores a whole lot of the bible, the book you also get your beliefs from.

The scientific example I gave wasnt meant to disprove the existence of God. You said that a lot of things in the world are unexplained, and God is the answer to them. I disputed that statement. I'm not an idiot man, read some of the first shit I said in this thread to someone talking about evolution.

Exactly, and a lot of other religions ARE based on faith. And a lot of them also have prophecies and shit. How are you so sure what you believe is right when "faith and prophecy," something evident in a whole lot of other religions, is what makes you believe yours? See its this type of thing that annoys me. 95% of christians just say "I dont need to give reasons for my beliefs to non believers etc etc, read the bible the answers will come to you" and shit like that. You sure as fuck need to back up your beliefs, cos otherwise you're bullshitting yourself. If you grew up in India, I bet you you'd be a hardcore Hindu. If you grew up in China, I bet you'd be a hardcore Buddhist. PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME as to how you are so sure christianity is true. Because most Christians I ask to tell me WHY they believe, tell me to read the bible, which I have many times and have studied... But i'm not a christian. They seem to have read or been told little verses and chapters and shit and are sure of what they believe. How the fuck can you be sure if you havent read your OWN RELIGIONS scriptures properly?

Have you ever even considered another religion? Go read up on buddhism, it sure makes a lot more sense than christianity. Buddhism is basically a pathway to enlightenment. Enlightenment is a state of pure spiritual and mental fulfillment. The Buddha taught that desire is the cause of Dukkha (Sort of a word for suffering, but the word suffering doesnt quite give the scope of description that "dukkha" is supposed to). Anyway, take away desires, you wont need anything, you wont suffer, and you will be fulfilled. Easier said than done.

Now tell me, what makes more sense,
-What I just told you about buddhism.
-believing in something you have never seen or experienced, believing in a holy book that has been twisted and changed over 2000 years, believing that everything happens because of some divine being that came to earth in the form of a man who could walk on water and revive the dead, believing that this "god-man" was killed and then 3 days later came back to life, and because of that our sins are forgiven. If you dont believe in all that shit, the bible clearly states you are going to hell.

How is god strict at all? How does he make sure what we do is correct? He doesnt do shit. Everyday christians kill, steal, lie, rape... But according to the bible if they ask forgiveness they can get to heaven. Thats not strict. That is what christians call a display of gods immeasurable love.

Unfortunately, that immeasureable love doesnt quite reach like 75% of the world who arent christian. If god loves all mankind, why does some poor etheopian boy who has never heard of breakfast, lunch and dinner, let alone the bible and christianity, have to go to hell? Why do people with mental disorders that cant understand the bible or respond to stimulus have to go to hell? Theyre probly less sinful than 90% of the christians out there. So why does god make them go to hell??? And dont tell me some bullshit like "omg i learned in sunday school they go 2 heaven anyway" ... It says IN THE BIBLE if you do not believe in christ, you go to hell.

Truth is christianity is full of holes. And im not trying to disprove the existence of a greater being. Im just pretty sure that greater being isnt the "God" that you know and love. There may not even be a greater being. Dont get me wrong, im a spiritual person... Just not religious in a sense that I have a specific religion that I adhere to.
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