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Old 06-03-05, 01:53 PM   #4
Odi et Amo
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Posts: 3,675
From: Alosta City

Ein Volk...Ein Reich...Ein Führer

Blond locks, blue frigid eyes without the slightest trace of compassion

Leader's bible shows that one path destined to follow
Brainwashing millions into believing their own majesty

Born to rule others like lions in the jungle where only the fittest survive


Can you hear the lions calling?

Seeking for fear as their oxygen
Thirsty for dirty and rotten blood

Tearing innocent prey apart with one simple click of their ruthless jaw
As almighty kings on a throne ... looking down on their entire territory

But they were caged such a long time ago
No one assumed they would ever break free

Hatred raging inside their souls, blinded by once oh so glorious past
Striving for Third Reich to finally be the kings of the raw jungle again
Using fairytales to confuse the mind and put up thick smog as a blind
Deceiving people into experiencing an urge to kill, to extinguish Jews

How powerful one story can be
Just words glued to each other
Consisting of such simple letters

Or how one fairytale can turn into world's biggest nightmare

Authentik Intelligence

...The future is mine...

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