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Old 06-03-05, 09:33 PM   #53
I have a lot to learn...
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From: Life.

Originally Posted by Yung_Dragon
I gotta admit, that's pretty deep and filled with several points. I haven't really read some of the other stuff that you posted, so if I didn't understand, then my bad.
Okay, you kinda gave me an example to what you mean. Of course a lot of Christians are going to say that read the bible it has the answers, because that's their source of value. Though that provides some answers, I'll back up without using it. I don't know if you'll believe me, but I've seen it work.

I know there might be some other religions that use the system of faith and religion, but the thing what makes me believe is because I've seen results. Results that a lot of every-day people in the states(Athiests, Agnostics, other major religion groups, even "Christians") call luck, the obvious, facts, etc, because they never seem to look outside the circle. It's just that I actually tried, actually, believing, and it works.
Sometimes I had to wait awhile, but the thing was I prayed and in the end it worked. It didn't just magically appear out of nowhere, but by having my own sense of faith the whole way. The point is in the end was where it counted, and even little things through faith seemed to work, and a lot of people never seem to look at the better side, causing them to never see the miracles, but I happened to look.
Miracles are supposed to happen only to what is around you. Think about it, if someone you didn't know survived from dying in a great disaster, a lot of people would be like "whoa, lucky guy man!" What I seem to realize instead is that he was saved through God's will, maybe as someone who prayed, or someone who has been chosen to recieve another chance, because someone else had faith. I just seem to count my blessings, knowing that others don't. It's a small way of trying to show my proofs, but since it seems to work on what revolves around me, then it works.

Every action had it's consequences, God is loving, giving me what I need through faith, but that doesn't mean I was some all perfect person who thought highly of myself, I've been punished too. In fact, so many others have been as well. A lot of "Christians" have tried to use Christ's name, but used it for glory, and in the bible, it says that they were punished.
It just applies to everday life. We don't really know how someone will think, so judging by how they acted, gives real believers a bad name. A lot of Christians are proven waaay dead wrong, because they used God in bad ways. Do we know their thoughts? No, we see only for what has been spoken and what has happened. Maybe they were using God for their own selfish glorious good, and etc. So, don't say that all Christians are bumbling fools, a lot are, but not all. I'm still learning about my religion.
The bible is going to be complicated and not make sense, but God made that so that others who choose wrong paths on purpose may not ruin it.

(You'l have to refer to what I talked about miracles and why I believe on this part)
And since I happen to believe in what is for me, I realize then after that is that the bible can be full of truths. I have faith in the hidden messages of the bible, so it allows me to believe what is said, knowing what came first was my own acknowledgement of what God has given me. So through what has happened, I believe in the Bible, which will make me want to state some things from it.
Jesus said that we must have a pure mind like innocent children. Mentally challenged people, kids in other countries who walk 5 miles to school, and maybe, just maybe, those who have never heard the word of God (the last one, I know only God himself can answer it). These types of people fit into a pure childish mind, they can't really decide their own fate, they're innocent as a child like I said. And, if I remember, God said in the bible, in which I believe through my own experiences, that if a child(who we know as innocent) should die, he would take them to heaven.
I didn't learn it from sunday school, I learned it from reading the book myself. The book is what I believe, because I know from my own past of what has happened to me. This gives me proof to why I believe in my God.
So, if I in anyway say anything hypocritical, wrong, or messed up, know that it's because I'm still a growing Christian, and that Christianity shouldn't be dissed on just because of one person.

So basically, you believe because of proof like everyday miracles that other people cant see. It doesn't make sense. Say I prayed for rain everyday for like a month and then it rained. Doesnt mean God did it, it just means the sun shone on bodies of water long enough to make enough water vapor to create the clouds which rained... If someone survives getting stabbed, doesnt mean God did it. It means the attacker had bad aim. This argument will never end though, cos you could just say "God gave the attacker bad aim so he wouldnt kill them so its a miracle."

You say God gives you what you need through faith. Thats just because thats how you think of it. If you were a Muslim you would be thinking the same way about Allah, if you were an aethist you would be ignoring it all completely and thanking yourself for what you have.

But man, those children grow up. They grow up surrounded by disease, poverty, violence, death, hatred and war. They sin so much, and maybe they wouldnt if they had heard the word of God, but they still go to hell. It says that in the bible.

And yo, you really shouldnt be believing things blindly. You should be questioning your beliefs. Because I dont know if christianity is true, but a lot of people seem to be so sure of it. It seems that ignorance is bliss with christians. Granted, if you have read the bible and studied it, I will respect your decision. But for most people its just a matter of growing up in a christian family or something. They dont know its right, and maybe their parents were the same, growing up as a christian and believing blindly, its an endless cycle.
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