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Old 06-04-05, 06:48 PM   #5
Poet's Daughter.
Dervla's Avatar
Posts: 360


As I sit at the cafeteria with food in my hand, munching on a piece of bread
silence is being erupts by voices of conversations and laughters
Feeling so depresed, and sad, but no tears are being showed
No sound is talking to me, not a his or her voice. I dont have friends
The only sound I hear that is talking to me is my own heart beats
Asking myself why was I born on this earth? I've came out the wrong womb
My life shouldnt be like this, god wouldn't let it, I guess god does makes mistakes
Something disturb my way of thinking, My muscles starts to get tense
Then I saw "him" in the corner of my eye, fear crept in me fast as lightning
Felt his skin, touching mines. I start to shiver, goose bumps appears
A force lunge across my left jaw, then my whole body lands on the cold floor

Shivering in my bed, with the bloody bed sheets over my ache constitution
The force and the images of big powerful fist, making me leak into tears
He command sex, and i refuse. The punishment, was so hurtful and twinge
Being thrown on the floor. my Ribs getting lacerate. My screams are being deaf
I was struggling, but he was so much stronger. The look in his eyes is what fright me
THe fist is what started this pain. The force from it, is what blacked me out to the darkness
I woke up, in the middle of the day. Silence was all round me, then i felt something under my dress
Put my hand on my vagina. I burst into tears when knowing that still a condom was inside of me

My body on the ground with an ache jaw, my head just fill with pain
I felt the horse-power of his kick, onto my rips. I scream in agony
Like an baby, with my hands and knee's i crawl, with heavily breathing
Again with the kick, but now like an leak fountain, blood spills out of my mouth
Everytime i move, the pain just keeps getting worser and worse.
I might as well die, here right now cause i dont have anything to live for.
I'm trapped in the alcahmist of hate, the pit of the darkness, shit just let me die.
But no, with a burst of energry exploding in my legs, i got up and run
I feel the cold wind blow on my face, the snow landing on my head.
Running and running, while the snow tracks lead to my house

I enter the house, and the eruption of the silence i first heard, was my mom weeping
Didn't want to try to conceal her tears, cause she's worthless. Haven't done anything for me
She never protected me, when my tummy starts to get hungry, there's no food on the table
I quickly run up-stairs with the agony of my ribs and my jaw still spitting out blood
Enter through the bathroom, door. Flicked on the lights and walk towards the medicine cabnit
Saw my face on in the mirror, and words starts to slur in my head. "Your nothing"
My quiver lips turns to a frown expression, my eyes starts to get red, tears pour
Without thinking, or hesitating a whole of white pills slids down my throat.
I can hear the crunches as i move my jaw, and the gulps When i swollow
Dizzyness i starts to feel, my heart beats starts to slow down, the dark is merging in my sights
With my mouth full open and my body lays silent on the floor with the pills in my hand
I will always remember this when i died..................."YOUR NOTHING"

mystery Is a Freak!!

ITawAPuddyKat: Yeah, I guess. But I won't be a Lesbo for life.
Smartone Freal: oh so u DO have plans of turnin str8
ITawAPuddyKat: Well Yes, Yes I do.
Smartone Freal:
ITawAPuddyKat: Lol, all smiles aren't we? Lol
Smartone Freal: lol yea i cant hide what i think bout u
Smartone Freal:
ITawAPuddyKat: ...Oh, what DO you think about me? Lol
Smartone Freal: lol sorry thats private
ITawAPuddyKat: EWWWWWWW..*Sigged*
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