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Old 06-05-05, 11:48 AM   #10
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

Cali- You had some really wicked imagery in this drop....It had some good originality in it. I liked how you wrote it about a person abusing drugs....Emotion wasn't as good as it could have been, but there was still a lot. If you were to re-write this with a better strucure you could have gotten a better flow, and it woulda been a lot nicer. I think that was your downfall. Good drop, my favourite part was the opening..

Tweety - This was a crazy good drop for Imagery and Emotion. The emotion was very powerfull, exspecially in the mother's part. Great idea to approach this topic, it was very original, and was a very good read. You had a great structure that made the flow great in this piece. Very nice drop here...

Vote: Tweety