Thread: Train Tracks
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Old 06-06-05, 11:34 AM   #26
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

You seem to be disregarding the fact that we can check K's stuff, and not this kids. We can check the style to match them up. I've seen K's other drops, but none of 'ric-bs'.

Doubtless, he'll say something like 'I changed my style for this piece'. Coincidence? The kid knows he bit, he can live with the fact he's pathetic enough to not know how to write his own poetry and open mics. Live with the fact you're pathetic, brother. The way you talk is in deep contrast to the way "you" wrote that verse.

EDIT: Here's a link to a work of his that has the same structure.

Where's a link of one of yours?
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