In light of your voting modus operandi Im going to vote as you would on this battle cali.
Cali > I didnt like your approach on this one because it is just to obvious of one. I feel that you could have thought this one out a little bit more and wrote about something that catches peoples attention. Your structure was that of a preschoolers, and your ryme scheme was wretched too. You didnt really have any flow what so ever, and your poem lacked feelings..... This is evident through your complaining of the topic, you had no compasion towards it so I guess it is expected that you wouldnt be able to write to it.
Tweety - Good job man, You owned this most definately, You showed compasion in your writing ability, had good flow, good diction, and good metaphorically grasp on the topic.
All in all I think the obvious choice here is Tweety
V/ Tweety.