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Old 06-06-05, 07:24 PM   #1
Banned: Cheating
P.R.E.P.'s Avatar
Posts: 55
feeedback please


Chills effect me like purple pills
to make me think self homocidal is ill
But they don't sting like chemical spills
It's merely misguided confidence filled
and loss of will, stolen @ nitely hours
I'm devoured inside by the darkest of powers
Each encounter of etheral showers I cower,
from Unearthly love dauntingly advanced,
overbearing beyond all last chance to react,
my language was so exact "With out you I'm free,
How dare you cage me! This 'box' has enraged me!"
Your love so constant even as I'm despondent,
you continue responding always Your Child, fondly
even when I react so wrongly overtly & strong crossing
You stand defiant to my volatile nature, waiting 4
my return from departure, but how long will you wait?
Through my handling this state of being irate
Through my trance of disapointment
in those I once thought infallably annointed?
These are my choices, my inner voices, or avoidance
I will return after I've examined and discerned
All I ask now, is Father please wait while I stretch my wings,
not deviate.
ill drop a link later
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