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Old 06-07-05, 08:12 PM   #99
Posts: 298

Originally Posted by Elementality
YOur a sheisty dude, and your just mad because You fuckin blow at poetry < I called your shit as I saw it just like you did in Dqs battle you whiney piece of shit. No wonder noone respects you, you're just a worthless self-worshipping bitch trying to gain power and repect by modding. I got news for you though, noone gives a shit that you are a mod again, you had no respect then, and you have none now face your reality and quit being so ignorant.

lmao, yea, thats why noone likes you, your getting complaints already i.e the one above me, and you got merked your last poetry cried because I fed your poem , and how you lost, but you cant take critism cause your shits reminicent to any preschoolers... so just keep telling yourself what you need to....whatever you gotta do to sleep at night captain ignorance.
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