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Old 06-08-05, 04:16 PM   #41
~*This Worldz A Sin So Why Hate Me For My Habits~*
Ghost's Avatar
Posts: 800
From: Lubbock,Texas

Voted For: Tephlon

Nice Battle But My Vote goes to TEPH!
Mistah A Got u to battle?
.........................,,,,,,.your runnin a pussy ass crew
just ask Mizz Fyre.........even she's ashamed of you!!!!
i rest my case in 2 lines, so i'll just waste these next four
cause the only ''hot text'' u ever have is cyberin your whore!
^LoL 7/10
callin yourself a respectable head?...
......................................please tell me that aint a fact??
i got approched by this whack, because opposites attract!

i could sit u n a room labeled 1 and give u a hall pass
u can leave n comeback and still wouldnt be in the first class(1)
ima cause lyrical supression to this manz RV obsession(2)
give em a radar,he still aint detectin this subliminal message
^weak 6/10
This kid is seriously wack for his amount of RV experience
he bitches more than girls on they monthly menstrals...period..(3)
Judicial Ya Verse was good just that the RHYMIN scheme was Off!Structure was good!n personalz were koo!but TEPHLONS shyt was alot better!PUNCHES hit Harder!Personalz Were Good!Structure was Ok!so my vote goes to TEPH!
RTF in my Link Battle With MIZZ FYRE!
"This Worlds A Sin So Why Hate Me For My Habits"-Gh0st-