Thread: E.C vs Delaware
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Old 06-09-05, 10:08 AM   #30
leave you rest'n pz's
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Voted For: E.C

like cheer leader wit tassles, you jump and do the splits in the air,
you cross dress wit girls, he likes the type of shit that dela wears,
^^nice name/werdplay
you could never be Phat(fat) if u worked at McDonalds serving food,
this cat likes weird things, like watching forskins bein chopped off jews,
^^nah this was terrible fam...oh so
i'm not gonna be rude but this kids childish, still sucking his mummy,
still not elevated since u started try reading the rap book for dummies,
^^no you didnt..?
you started off dope n went downhill right after
shit, i read ya 1st line n thought you had it...
Took Em as his Figure head, just to keep him mentally insane……
Asked all us UK heads to battle, ‘Yo lads an easy win to gain’……
^^eh ok, nothin special
How the hell u get in The Establishment, I thought they were dope…
I’ve give u enough , bitch will hang him self with my own rope*….
^^ya ive heard that, decent but basic
From da start this was unfair, cuz he be E.lderly in need of C.are….
E.C and TE jus don’t compare, by da time his read this he’ll hav no fuckin hair…..
^^,...funny shit...
your verse was basically same but opposite to ec's
you started weak then ended strong...hmm damn..
basically it comes down to who's punch was best
n most original/hard hitting.........
i gotta go with ec his punch was more direct but it was really close
i'll play on ya consience, ya contents is complete nonsense
speak of biting, then you fucks flip everyone of my damn concepts
what the fuck, was you high..?
did you think i wouldn't recognize lines that i made
then you come up some bullshit tryna prove that im gay...!
fake fucks..move on...!