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Old 06-09-05, 09:05 PM   #33
leave you rest'n pz's
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Originally Posted by Drama Queen
On the site: be able to see past the internet shit, not caring about vet status or silly records but trying to get better as an artist and show your writtens or audios to other people. Avoid pointless beef that doesn't lead anywhere and doesn't benefit anyone in any way.

In life: being mature is being able to take care of yourself, be independent and be able to have a decent conversation, to fully explain why you like or dislike things and not just say: because I don't like the shit. I like to act all crazy and I don't think you are less mature if you wild out every now and then, as long as you hold your responsability and strive to become a better person, to get further in life

ide so give it to
i'll play on ya consience, ya contents is complete nonsense
speak of biting, then you fucks flip everyone of my damn concepts
what the fuck, was you high..?
did you think i wouldn't recognize lines that i made
then you come up some bullshit tryna prove that im gay...!
fake fucks..move on...!
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