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Old 06-13-05, 05:39 PM   #1
Logic The Goonie
I can rap and stuff.
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Posts: 10,226
From: So. Killa Kali
Why the MJ verdict is whack


Because everytime a black person says that the system is out to get them, white people will say some shit like "OMG YOU FUCKING STUPID NIGGER!!! DIDN'T YOU SEE? OJ AND MJ AREN'T GUILTY!!! YOU'RE STUPID!!!" thinking it proves a huge point that 2 black celebrities weren't convicted. So have so much fuckin fun celebrating.

On a lighter note...
Originally Posted by Dezzzzzz on RB
if I was MJ i'd go on TV RIGHT now and be like "Yeah, I actually raped the fuck out of that fuck, and like 19,000 more. . . butt your suckachamps keep letting me off the heezy cause im the King of Pop niggas, nay sayen? Shit, ya'll don't even know how good that little kid's balloon-hole felt. . . damn, anyways, i'm fittin to go buy the bank that gave those motherfuckers a mortgage and kick those motherfuckers OUT. . I told that little shit not to say anything, just let me get my jollys and everything will be jolly. . little fucking crackers ass nigga" *MJ hops into his hummer giving the bird to all his supporters*

Originally Posted by Dezzzzzz on RB
MJ as an icon around the world, if you honestly think that he'll ever be convicted of anything you are kidding yourself. . . if Bush got on T.V. and was like 'yeah, sorry yall, MJ told me that he wanted to invade Iraq and ish, he said there is grips of untapped little boys there. . . and i agree, most boys and girls in Iraq are untapped educationmally, so it's up to us to help learn them how to not be Intrepid." the world would be ALL over our nuts like 'millions of people dieing? WHO GIVES A FUCK? now they can be real back-up dancers for the Thriller video, nah sayen?'

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!

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