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Old 06-14-05, 10:24 PM   #6
.The Dark Knight Returns.
.KnIghTmArE.'s Avatar
Posts: 76
From: St. Louis

Ya verse’ll get stuffed, just back up, and quit actin hard
He claims he tough, but has as much ‘beef ‘ as a ‘salad bar’
Ya skills suck, skools in, cause u should learn some stuff
Like not makin open callouts when ur wack as fuck
Ya styles ass, and now ill prove that u done rhymed ya last
The only way you’ll ‘cut the green’ is if u ‘mowin the grass’*
You’ll get owned, just stop now cuz all ya lines get choked
And when I say ya verses ‘blow’, I sure as hell don’t mean they ‘dope’**
Pump ya wit lead, so u can shut ya trap and give us a rest
‘Mummify’ the grim reapa…ya ‘raps’ still wont be ‘tite to death’***

*Cut green = make money
**blow is a nickname for cocaine, and so is dope
***raps= wraps,

I came hella weak...but its all i need...g'luck...