Thread: MuRcInAl vs Evo
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Old 06-15-05, 03:06 AM   #23
Posts: 2,653

Voted For: MuRcInAl

this was an easy battle for Oz

Oz - ur first couple of barz were really confusing..the pistons one was ok but still a little unclear..the 2nd bar wasnt very good at all..i liked how u used his award as a personal..very creative..the closer i think is what really killed him..very good.....7/10

Evo - ur verse was not very good at all..i really didnt feel any of those lines were worthy of being called punches..they were not creative..ur opener was horrible..and the sig line?..nope..not very good with punches, or personals or wordplay.....3/10

Murcinal(Oz) wins!!!!!