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Old 06-16-05, 02:18 PM   #1
Aiming for Heads
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Posts: 1,544
I ended and party but still had fun


Here's another story

Last night me and my crew went to a party.. before that we were all over thee girls house smoking blunts and black n' milds.. But I didnt wanna go cause I just got done playing in the High Svhool Summer League like 30 minutes before.. So we went and got in free because I talked to the chick throwing the party.. We got their 1 hour aftr tit tarted it was aiight but no hciks was dancing so I starting smoking aanother mild going around the party smacking chick asses and blaming it on someone else when the cops came.. I tried to run so I ran towards the back door and couldnt open it....So i pulled real hard and the entire door broke and flew back and knocked a shelf I ran around the corner then came back like I just arrived..and everyone was complaining because Pay-Pay's ( The girl throwing the party) mom said "yall ignorant motherfuckers always fucking up last tiem i tried to let yall have fun yall shot up the house and I kno it was them Dale Block Niggas" Then her brother was like everyone leave the property or Im shoot...

This nigga "Lil Ant" he doesnt give a fuck about shit said the be about it dont talk then he started shooting my way... I ran the Lil Ant said yall niggas some hoes.. I said "fuck you I aint taking a bullet, I aint you if I take 7 to the leg arm and chest Ima Die"..then next the you kno like 100 niggas walking to my boy Marvins house cause we moved the party their past curfew... I stopped traffic about 10 minutes.....

And Marvins party was jumpin we had 50 blunts already rolled up.. Smirnoff, a lot of Black n Milds.. E&J, Vodka, Daquiries, Hennesy, Grey Goose, and Hypnotiq....

And we even had a dice game and a playstation 2 hooked in the garage
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