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Old 06-16-05, 03:47 PM   #10
Ms. Get Gully
Ms. Get Gully
Posts: 1,631
From: Fl

Originally Posted by Tremendous
Here's another story

Last night me and my crew went to a party.. before that we were all over thee girls house smoking blunts and black n' milds.. But I didnt wanna go cause I just got done playing in the High Svhool Summer League like 30 minutes before.. So we went and got in free because I talked to the chick throwing the party..

Why does it seem like in your stories your trying to make shit seem like your just some damn scarface type nigga of ya hood n shit...shut that shit up nigga. u dont smoke ...u drank apple juice at the party and ate cigerette bubble gum.

We got their 1 hour aftr tit tarted it was aiight but no hciks was dancing so I starting smoking aanother mild going around the party smacking chick asses and blaming it on someone else

Wow your so hardcore and gully..u hit a girl on the ass and scared to fess up to it..maybe thats why you ALMOST got pussy and didnt get it.and what the hell.. u actin like her party was a damn club or some shit.....and hunny glad you got back into school because your grammar sucks Donkey dick and your spelling is horrible...i understand Typos ..a few here and there...but have multiple misspellings..last thing you need to be doing is "partying" and smoking "blunts"

when the cops came.. I tried to run so I ran towards the back door and couldnt open it....So i pulled real hard and the entire door broke and flew back and knocked a shelf I ran around the corner then came back like I just arrived..and everyone was complaining because Pay-Pay's ( The girl throwing the party) mom said "yall ignorant motherfuckers always fucking up last tiem i tried to let yall have fun yall shot up the house and I kno it was them Dale Block Niggas" Then her brother was like everyone leave the property or Im shoot...

Um.what dumb ass smokes a bunch of weed at a party...runs from the cops..gets away with it..and then comes back?...uhm..can you say dumb bitch? yeah i bet ..cuz thats what you are..what the fuck is wrong with you kid? i should knock the color of ya body u not doing a good job of justifying it...."dale block niggas"?..i guess thats your killa nigga crew right?....and gotta be 16 or somethin...u at a party that has a mother??...a mother thats inside of the house? i guess she smokes too eh?...

This nigga "Lil Ant" he doesnt give a fuck about shit said the be about it dont talk then he started shooting my way... I ran the Lil Ant said yall niggas some hoes.. I said "fuck you I aint taking a bullet, I aint you if I take 7 to the leg arm and chest Ima Die"..then next the you kno like 100 niggas walking to my boy Marvins house cause we moved the party their past curfew... I stopped traffic about 10 minutes.....

And Marvins party was jumpin we had 50 blunts already rolled up.. Smirnoff, a lot of Black n Milds.. E&J, Vodka, Daquiries, Hennesy, Grey Goose, and Hypnotiq....

And we even had a dice game and a playstation 2 hooked in the garage

OHHHHH how nice u magically get 50 blunts and all these drinks from out of no where not even commenting on that shit...

Get a fucking life dukez..u making shit up and its kind of sad...i almost feel bad for you.

I tell ya..niggas on Rv gettin lamer and lamer by the days....this nigga on some soft shit fa real...smh..dont eva give me feedback on anything else i do..
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