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Old 06-16-05, 04:53 PM   #4
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Unknown Impact

The sun slept,hours ago.My rest is in session.
Before blowing cigerrete smoke,detector's defected.
Little did I know,the index and middle finger is clinchin' it.
renderin the flame to shift with the wind,flickerin' little flicks.
baby embers sparked a picture, the fire's on an adventrue.
slipping off the photo,onto the fireplace cinder.........
No fire is birth,but an unlikely occurance,quietly urgant.
Carbon Dioxide arrivin' and workin.Inside of my nose bridge.
I'm still sleep I don't notice,but I'm dreaming I'm sufficating.
my lungs is pacing eroticaly,I wake up,oh shit I gotta breath.
I gotta bring my pace up..............the windows are sealed.
I'm struggling to much,so my bones couldn'tve broke the seal.
I feel like a seal, on land for more then a hour,I scream and squeel.
I need to feel...this need for air,my knees despair,nobody's aware.
My eye's is tint,the brightness dims.My brittle bones close.
There goes my defence.It kind of shifts,from a fight..Till a guy
that is kind of sick.My screams changing now.It erases sound.
I'm fadin out...........................................