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Old 06-18-05, 04:17 AM   #5
Whyte Ave.
Light Weight
Whyte Ave.'s Avatar
Posts: 319
From: Ill Woods, E-Town

Stalked, Sighted, Scoped
Eye twitching, nerves and excitement
Begin to build
Flick of the finger
Unleashes a heard of lead
Towards the unsuspecting victim

Painful Piercing Pressure
Skin Succumbs
As the bullets enter
Blood has been freed
Running from the wound

Up above, his temper flares
Why? He asks
The smartest creature I’ve created
Yet they destroy themselves
Soon the world will be
No more

Winds Swirl Wildly
Hot ash arises from Volcanoes
Ocean water rises
God is talking
And there shall be no talking back
God’s Wrath is Upon Us