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Old 06-18-05, 02:34 PM   #14
Rastafari Walk Tall
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Posts: 4,527
From: East London, (Hackney)

V-ed out = some one sparyin over your piece...or jus wid a black can sprayin a V with a "-------" through it, because its wack

ayo....i dont have a scanner at home so i cant scan in any of the pages from my blackbook...but i yea i graf a lot, i normally have a character of some sort wid ma graf tho..i graff "Elusiv G" me im dope, i got some pics of sketches ive dun in class that i scanned in @ school, next time i bother goin skoo, ill scan in sum draw ye heres some charcters i drew up..i pretty much sketch wid anyting i aint strictly lead or nuttin..and also a photo of a music mural im half way thru for my art n design final piece..holla back

Seein as how im bored ill sketch up sum shit 2night n post 2moro...ill show u how id graf BLAZE cos those r nice letters to fuck wid...and ill do sum ELusiv G shit wid RV on it....nice 2 see deres cats on here explorin other aspects of the culture homie

"His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, King of Kings of Ethiopia and Elect of God"


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